Software Development for Industries
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Case Study #18
AI Implementation for voice recognition in mobile apps
The CodeBranch's dedicated development team worked on the development of a voice recognition system that allows people to control and monitor home automation systems through a mobile application.
The outcomes of these projects were:
- Voice control system, based on artificial intelligence working on both Android and iOS.
- Home automation system that worked with commands given by voice.
CodeBranch's dedicated development team has created a voice recognition system that allows people to control and monitor home automation systems through a mobile application.
It used artificial intelligence for voice recognition and worked on both Android and ios.
The system worked in English and Spanish and allowed commands to be given in context, so you didn't need to give exact commands. Example: Turn on the light or turn on the light, both options were understood by the system.
The technology used in this project was:
- Native AI-embedded technologies on the mobile devices
- Objective C
This project involved two developers, with one senior and one semi-senior developer.