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Software Development for Industries

We create dedicated teams of developers to accomplish our partners' goals in any industry. Find on this page some examples. 

Case Study #12
AI video surveillance Platform

The project consisted of analyzing a real-time video stream and identifying events, the presence of humans in demarcated areas.

ai video surveillance - Case study


Services Provided

AI Development


The outcomes of these projects were:

- A system that identifies events and people in demarcated areas.

- A system made the reports of these events via phone calls, text messages, and connection to the home automation software. 


The project consisted of analyzing a real-time video stream and identifying events and the presence of humans in demarcated areas.

The system reported events by making phone calls or connecting to home automation systems where it was deployed. The calls were made to the network of contacts defined by the system user.

In this case study, we delve into the intricacies of our innovative solution that integrates artificial intelligence into the video surveillance area. As the demand for advanced security measures intensifies, our platform stands out, combining state-of-the-art computer vision, machine learning algorithms, and real-time analytics.


The technologies used in this project are:

- Phyton

- JavaScript

This project lasted two years, with one senior and one semi-senior developer.

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